Another BONESMITH ARC Giveaway & Holiday POST-Order Campaign
Announcing the winner of the BONESMITH ARC and a chance for free swag!
I won’t leave you in suspense any longer! If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I intended to draw a winner for a free ARC of BONESMITH from my newsletter subscribers. All you had to do was sign up to be entered, and the randomly drawn winner is…
Tiff / !!!!!
Please send an email to with your mailing address to collect your prize!
Don’t worry if you didn’t win this time around…the book isn’t out for 7 months, so there’ll be plenty of time for more giveaways!

After the release of Wings of Shadow, I wound up with some extra swag from the pre-order campaign I did with my local indie. I had good intentions to bring it to events or do other kinds of giveaways, but lockdowns and deadlines and everything else meant I kept putting it off and putting it off…until now! 😁
If you have purchased ANY Crown of Feathers series book in ANY format in 2022, I will send you the above swag PLUS a signed bookplate (while supplies last, and they are pretty limited, as in, less than 40).
I wanted to open this offer up to newsletter subscribers FIRST, but I will post it publicly, and soon, so if you want to get your hands on this limited edition swag, fill out the form below ASAP.
I have been sick all week, so while I *should* be working on BONESMITH 2, I have mostly been curled up on the couch coughing and watching World Cup soccer. I’m half Portuguese, so I’m excited my team is still in it (for now!) and I’ve got someone to root for, as Canada didn’t make it out of the first round 🙁
Threads That Bind by Kika Hatzopoulou - I have only just started this, but it comes out in June and I am super excited about it!!!
Rings of Power, which has been much more entertaining than I expected while still being nowhere near as good as the Peter Jackson movies, but full disclosure, I am not a book fan but a movie fan, so all the apparent discrepancies don’t bother me as much.
World Cup soccer! Viva Portugal! 🇵🇹
Okay, I think that’s finally it! Please drop any questions or comments you have below!
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Hope you feel better soon, what a fun post order swag opportunity!! 🤩🤩
Hope you feel better soon! And the bookmark is so gorgeous! I love mine so much 💚