I have lots of things to update you on, but first…BONESMITH is a bestseller in the UK!!!! 🎉🎉🎉 It debuted at #2 on the Sunday Times children’s bestseller list, and is the #1 YA book on the list.
I woke up to a text from my agent with the exciting news, since my team in London is 5 hours ahead (also, I was being lazy and sleeping in––part of my post-deadline, post-launch recovery), and then later, I got these:
I have always been envious of authors who get flowers sent to them by their publishers (I’ve also been envious of bestsellers, obviously!!!) so it’s a bit surreal to suddenly be one of them 🥺
I haven’t really done much celebrating because in case you missed it…
I already had a trip planned to London and Scotland before I hit the bestseller list, but now I get to celebrate with my UK publisher and the UK readers who made it happen! If you’re in London next week, I hope I’ll see you there!
You can get more info on both events here.
After London I’ll be traveling up to Scotland, but I don’t have any official events happening there. Still, I’ll be at the Edinburgh Book Festival on Saturday, August 12th, so please come say hi if you see me there!
Amazon Editor’s Pick
I was thrilled to discover that BONESMITH is an Editor’s Pick on Amazon for the month of July! I’ve never had a grey banner before, so that’s something else to scratch off the author bucket list!
Speaking of Amazon…
If any of you have read BONESMITH yet, I would so appreciate if you could post a review online. I’m sure you’ve heard this before but reviews boost algorithms on retail sites, which helps readers find the book. It doesn’t have to be long or fancy. A sentence would work! Thank you 😊
French Edition
My French publisher Lumen announced their edition of BONESMITH, which will publish September 7th! They also bought the rights to the sequel, which I assume will publish sometime next year.
I have more foreign fights news, but I can’t share yet. Stay tuned!
The Bookish Box Special Edition
Ahhhh I am so excited to share images of the Bookish Box’s special edition of BONESMITH!!!!! It is absolutely stunning, and available for purchase here.
I had some press items come out since we last spoke! I did a Q&A with The Nerd Daily and there’s a review/interview with Paste Magazine.
I also did an interview with Demythifying Podcast! We had a great chat, so I hope you’ll check it out.
The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen by KJ Charles - This was a delightful queer historical romance, and I loved the glimpse into the world of “free trading” or smuggling!
The Monster's Bones: The Discovery of T. Rex and How It Shook Our World
David K. Randall - This is a non-fiction book about the history of paleontology (I’m a dinosaur nerd, in case you didn’t know) and I have loved learning about the “Bone Wars” and the “Great Dinosaur Rush” (I mean, those terms, COME ON) and I am getting lots of exciting plot bunnies…
Heartstopper: Season Two is cued up and ready to watch on my flight!
I also just started watching Sandman and am very intrigued to see where this story goes!
Okay, I think that’s finally it! Please drop any questions or comments you have below!
Ahhh Nicki I am SO happy for you and Bonesmith! It’s such a good book and I’m thrilled that so many other people get to experience it!
Currently watch the new season of Heartstopper as well!!